Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Things I Hate (Part One)

1. Ants - Who fucking cares if they can lift 100 times their body weight. Hellllo people!? That's still very fucking unimpressive!!!

2.Double Penetration Porn

3. Huge Brown Nipples- National Geographic Style

4. Tuesdays- ( Because who fucking likes them?)

5. Pubic Hair- Nothing like finding a random one in your mouth!

6. Men who buy cars to compensate for their own lack of self worth.

7. Pineapples- I disagree about them being a food..obviously from the looks of them, they do NOT want to be fucking cut open and eaten.

8. Hedgehogs- Because they're just dangerous Hamsters

9. Hearing someone take a shit in a public washroom - What happened to courtesy flushing ffs?

10. Bambi- You're a DEER..your MOM was a deer. Hence why she was taken out in a bloody mess by a hunter. Get over it,grow a pair and stop talking to rabbits.

11. Valentine's Day- the urge to love is overwhelmingly annoying as fuck.

12. Cats- Specifically when they get shit stuck to their fur and drag it on the floor.

13. Fart Jokes

14. Positive Personalitys- Because they drag me up

15. Skinny Jeans- Worn by fat hoes. Accentuates the Gunt.

16. Mr. Clean- No one tells me how to clean my fucking floors

17. Chuck Norris- Hey asshole..the world actually revolves around me

18. Long Hair- Cut it bitch, you look like a horse

19. M&M's- Smarties retarded younger brother

20. Sushi- Because it's RAW people. NO different than taking a cow..chopping it up..wrapping it in some hay and going to town. Sick Japanese fucks.

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