Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Your call is important to us..

Waiting on hold is one of the most annoying fucking things in the world. period.
As if wasting 20 mins of my fucking day with the phone pressed up against my ear..just to tell Shaw they have once again charged me for 3 Adult movies..when I clearly only ordered 2..isn't bad enough..but then you have to deal with the elevator music..interrupted every two mins..by some repetitive overly happy broad telling me that my call is important to them..and I MUST remain on the line to INSURE I wont lose my place.

Well FUCK YOU..If my call was REALLY important to you ... you would shut the fuck up..and play Top 40s. Are we really stupid enough that we need to be told to remain on the line? Isn't that part obvious? oh Fuck..you mean if I hang up now..I wont be able to talk to someone.. really? fuck you.

By the time someone actually answers the call..I'm usually completely oblivious that I have the phone to my ear..because Ive been waiting so fucking long and have zoned out entirely to Whitney Houston's "I will Always love you."

On a good day if I can quickly clear my head and remember what the fuck I called about, it is almost assumed that it is going to be some Asian Chick or Some East Indian Jerk off..that I can't understand. Apparently it's racist to ask to speak to someone who speaks real English..You know the "fancy kind" that I can actually fucking understand.

So basically waiting in any aspect for anything at all..SUCKS.
Anything that was "worth the wait" would be just as great if I got it when I fucking wanted it.
Which I should
Because I'm a Princess.
nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I so love your blog!!! And I agree! Ive been on hold for an hour once...using my damn cell phone and my minutes!!! And I had NO choice but to stay on the line if I wanted to keep my medical insurance...

    stupid assholes!
